Friday, December 12, 2008

English is fun.

I'm so bored now.
I've fully speaking about 2 hours now haha!
is that right the sentence? ahha! whateverrr.
Anyway, i'm gonna leave you all with sum survey.

1.) What is your name?

- Anwarul Hisyam

2.) Do you find it annoying when surveys ask for your name?

- No. Normal :p

3.) What do you plan to buy in the future?

- Ps3!

4.) Where did you get the underwear you are currently wearing?

- no brand. haha!

5.) How many pairs of Converse do you own?

- 3

6.) Who is your favorite “That ’70s Show” character?

- tah

7.) There is a mummy standing behind you. What do you do?

- Stone cold stunner :p

8.) What do you think of Miley Cyrus?

- Tiqot. haha!

9.) Do you tend to think that you are always right?

- no

10.) Top Five Favorite Songs:

- eee too lazy to list it down

11.) What was your favorite toy as a child?

- Power rangers :D

12.) Have you thought more about your funeral, or your wedding?

- wedding

13.) Dinosaurs or Unicorns?

- Transformers

14.) What is your favorite musical?

- High school musical

15.) You need new jeans. Where do you go?

- dont know yaw!

16.) Do you play the Sims 2?

- no

17.) Do you think Harry Potter is at all immoral to read?

- huh?

18.) What do you think of Maroon 5?

- gay

19.) What about Coldplay?

- gay-er

20.) Fall Out Boy?

- poyo

21.) Katy Perry?

- hodoh tp comel :P

22.) How about The All-American Rejects?

- biase je

23.) Have you ever snuck into an R-rated movie when you weren’t old enough to see it without parents?

- yesssss

24.) The Wii or Xbox 360?

- xbox

25.) Team Demi/Selena or Team Miley?

- team hisyam

26.) Do you know many Emily’s?

- 1

27.) What do you think of the Jonas Brothers?

- Fajran

28.) Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out?

- out bebeyh

29.) What is your favorite kind of Girlscout cookie?

- -_-

30.) Do you enjoy surveys?

- sometimes

31.) What do you hear at the moment?

- My fon receiving txt mssg

32.) Why do you think so many people love myspace?

- tahlaaa.

33.) What do you think of people who do illegal drugs?

- Rich

34.) Do you watch the Olympics?

- Sometimes

35.) What are your top five favorite stores?

- too lazy

36.) Do you like the new Weezer album?

- no

37.) What did you think of Panic at the Disco taking out the exclamation point in their name?

- bodoh btl

38.) What is the worst job you have ever had?

- never have a job.

39.) Have you ever been to Minnesota?

- no

40.) What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen on TV?

- tah

41.) Do you watch informercials when there is nothing on?

- no

42.) What is your favorite Disney Show?

- i dont know mate!

43.) Have you ever seen the Wedding Singer?

- no

44.) Top five reasons people rank things:

- too lazy

45.) Have you ever gone camping?

- yes

46.) What do you miss most about elementary school?

- aaaaaaaaaaaa

47.) What do you do when you want to fill out a survey, but none of your friends have posted surveys that you have not taken yet?

- huh huh uh ?

48.) What is your favorite kind of DQ Blizzard?

- ok

49.) Has anything funny ever happened to you while in Wendy’s?

- My perut kembung ahha!

50.) What is your current job? If you are applying anywhere, where?

_ Underwear model. AHAHA!

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