Saturday, November 1, 2008

I love survey.

1. how are you?

- I'm fine

2. who was the last person you hugged?

- Sue

3. look to your left, what do you see?

- Sofa

4. where do you like to be the most?

- My homeee :D

5. whats your fave film?

- FLIGHT OF THE DEAD. Wink wink*

6. what does the last person you commented on myspace mean to you?

- Important personlaaa :D

7. what did you last laugh about?

- Err tah.

8. where was your default took?

- Pavi

9. whats the first thing you look for in a girl/guy?

- kakiiii ahha!

10. if your still in school, whats your fave lesson?

- I'm still schooling. PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. wink wink*

11. what do you work as / want to work as?

- Lawyer baby!

12. do you play video games

? if so, which is your fave game?

- Yes. DOTA!

13. who never fails to make you laugh?

- Fana, sue, azrin, tiqot, qairOol ahha!

14. what are you listening to right now?

- Goo goo dolls-iris

15. who did you last have a sleepover with?

- Araff's

16. i bet you miss someone, who?!

- Cant tell u mannnn :D

17. are you happy with your life right now?

- nooo :D

18. why did you last get upset?

- err tah x igt ble last upset haha!

19. who was the last person you texted?

- Fana.

20. who do you live with?


21. do you like living with them?


22. whats your mood right now on myspace?


24. did you realise that there was no 23?

- huh?

25. what does your profile song mean to you?

- Qairul :D

26. who did you last shout at and why?

- Cant remember.

27. are you normally a happy person?

- YES!

28. what was the last thing you went to see in the movies and with who?

Flight of the dead. zaf, helmi n araf. it was fucking boring.

29. whats your fave food?


30. are you in love?

- maybe.

31. do you remember how you was 3 years ago?

- no

32. if so, does it make you cringe?

- wtv.

33. if you could be with someone right now, who would it be?

- no one. nk yg happy person je.

34. do you have any blogs on your myspace?

- no

35. whats your fave thing in your room?

- My bed.

36. is this quiz boring you?


37. if you had one wish, what would you wish for?

- I want a LOOOOTTTT of moneyyyy

38. when was the last time you lied?

- tah.

39. are your lips chapped?

- huh?

40. any last words?

- buto ah survey ni but i like it haha!

Lately i've been posting serveys because nothing interesting happened to me.

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