Friday, October 3, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya 2. :D

I'm gonna post about my 2nd trip now.. First i lepak-ed at my cousin house..

This guy. He's a lot fatter now haha! Ni gambar lama haha!
Okayy anyway, all my mum side cousins are there at his house.
Semua baru je balik dari Melaka, so my family jela balik melaka lafter this.
Luckyly, 1 hari je wahh! Ok, mse otw nak pg melaka tu,
we stopped at mne tah tu smayang jumaatla.
Then my father followla this stranger.
At first we thought he's going back home coz tertinggal barang or sumthing haha!
But then actually he's going for a shortcut to the mosque.
After pray, I saw this burger stall saying ' ghasolah burger sayo' HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!
It means 'rasalah burger saya' haha!
At the end of it, it syas 'trima kasih yaww' ahah!
Okay then we continue our journey to melaka.
Very the sangapness sangapness haha!
So me and my sisters snap, snap, snap and snap pic la haha!

Okayyy! Reach Melaka already! My father uses a shortcut dat is full of kelapa sawit!
There's a lot of jalan2 there..
Boleh sesat doh! eee takut! ahha!
Plus there is like christian cemetary

and kuil india n indians all aaaa! And I saw this guy


Okay dah sampai! Biase2 but boring glela!
coz my fam je ade kat sini hmmm..
Anyway I received like rm 60 from here hehe. Blablablabla.. Watched

Okay dats all boys n girls! bye :D

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